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React Pizza Shop - Ordering Food with Hooks and Firebase
Beginner Setup
Create-react-app (4:15)
Welcome to Sliceline (1:43)
Source Code
Global Styles
Remove boilerplate (1:21)
What are styled-components?
createGlobalStyle (3:30)
Google Fonts (3:13)
Navbar and Banner
Navbar (12:29)
Banner (6:51)
CSS Filters (1:46)
FoodGrid (19:47)
Food Sections (5:11)
CSS Transitions (4:23)
Cleanup App (1:51)
React Hooks
useState example (2:19)
Food Dialog (13:32)
Order (4:56)
Flexbox Direction Column (4:40)
DialogButton and Order Layout (9:29)
Review (2:44)
Orders Hooks (8:31)
List Orders (2:45)
Price (7:43)
Favicon and useTitle (6:56)
Quantity (29:38)
Total (4:41)
Toppings (16:42)
Choices (16:08)
Edit & Delete Orders (11:48)
Firebase Install (5:30)
Firebase Auth (10:04)
Firebase Auth part 2 (12:48)
Firebase Realtime Database (11:58)
Order Confirmation Dialog (24:22)
Firebase Gmail Setup (1:11)
Firebase Functions / Nodemailer email (20:39)
You did it!
Orders Hooks
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